
Word for the traveler
The summer is here. Enjoy it in the Carpathians, on the shore of
the Black Sea or in the water jungle of the Danube Delta. No matter where you'll go, rest assured it will
be an unforgettable journey. Summer is a time of celebrations. Many popular and cultural events accross the country
await their audience. One of the most special of these events is the medieval festival of Sighisoara, now a well-established tradition.
Located in the Transylvanian plateau, surrounded by green hills featuring picturesque saxon villages,
Sighisoara is a unique town.
It has never been deserted, rebuilt or used as a touristic souvenir. It has always been a town as it is today, a place
where authenticity and traditions are just a part of daily life.
It took me a while to understand what attracted me to the medieval festival: it's the people who make it. Not the sponsors, not the
organization, but simply the people.
* June, Bucharest "Bucharest at 1900s" fair opens its gates. Get back in time, in the relaxed atmosphere of our capital some one hundred years ago
* 20 July, Alba Are you looking for a wife or a girl-friend ? Then visit the girls' fair ("targul de fete") on the Gaina mountain
* 30 July, Sighisoara The medieval festival, a 3-day encounter with the music, dance and medieval life-style.
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* Buila-Vinturarita A beautiful and less known range of mountains
* Colibita lake, the mirror of the Calimani mountains
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Today's recommendation
About 200 km north-west from Bucharest lies a magnificent range, Buila-Vinturarita